Greece Rotary had the vision to assist families in reaching their goals by providing access to services, support, and financial assistance to improve and maintain their overall well-being
We collaborated with other organizations to make this idea a reality. Come to hear the results of our efforts.
There wasn't a regular meeting on Wednesday, July 31st. Instead, we were at the 1:00 pm Rochester Redwings game serving beer at Rohrbach's. The tips and a portion of the sales go to fund the Greece Rotary Foundation.
The Greece Rotary Club invites you to join your neighbors in proudly displaying the American Flag in front of your home.
This program allows residents of our community to show their pride and love for our country. For an annual subscription price of $75, a Greece Rotarian will place a large 3×5-foot American Flag on 8-foot wood poles in front of your house on major national holidays.